Let's Talk About Halloween Costumes and Cultural Appropriation

Published on October 14, 2022 by Beatrice Alvarez

Quick reminder: someone's culture is not a costume. So what is cultural appropriation? Can a Halloween costume be a form of cultural appropriation? But also, how incredibly fun is cosplay in general?

It's almost Halloween. Honestly, some of us start planning for Halloween earlier in the year (no judgment here), but much of the decision-making happens now in the weeks leading up to the big night. And that means this is a great time to talk about how some costumes might seem like a great idea, but actually hurtful to many people because they are a form of cultural appropriation. Below we assembled some documentaries about the topic of cultural appropriation and the awesomeness of cosplay all year round. 

We think Halloween costumes should be fun and easy to dance in. Oh, we don't all do a little monster mash to celebrate?

Remember that PBS has 50 years of awesome characters to inspire costumes that will make people smile without appropriating anyone's culture. The Molly of Denali producers understand that kids of all ages are looking to their favorite shows for costume inspiration so they offered their suggestion for a Molly of Denali costume. We can think of a few more: Julia Child, Fred Rogers, or Bob Ross. The list goes on, but we'll wait and see what you come up with this year! Seriously, tag us in your Halloween costume posts! We're leaning towards going contemporary with a wig and a nod to one of our all-time favorite documentary filmmakers?

What is Cultural Appropriation?

Seriously though, let's go back to the basics: what is culture? How can it be appropriated? Thankfully, we have Dr. Danielle Bainbridge, host of Origin of Everything, to guide and inform us.

Cultural Appropriation vs. Appreciation

Yes, let's acknowledge each other's cultures. Yes, there are ways to honor them and appreciate them. But what is the difference between appreciating someone's culture and co-opting it? This episode of What I Hear When You Say lays it out with clear present-day examples.

Cosplay Changes Lives

How do we choose costumes? Why do we choose certain costumes? For some, the personality assumed in a costume represents something aspirational. Now think about how the self-confidence of a character can linger even after you take the costume off. As this episode of Off Book shows, Halloween is but one night of costume play but the positive effects can last beyond October 31st.

Cosplay! Crafting a Secret Identity

Ever thought about wearing your costume not on Halloween? Do it! It's called cosplay (a combination of the words costume play) and be a part of a thriving community. Bring your creative A-game, especially if you visit Atlanta, Georgia's top-notch makers and role-players. Get a view of the scene in this special from ATL PBA - Public Broadcasting Atlanta and be inspired to create your own secret identity.

Halloween Costume Ideas

...courtesy of us. But seriously, we've already lined up some good ideas for you on our TikTok channel.