About the film

Ducky Dynamo discusses the history of Baltimore Club, the city's unique music and dance genre that is poised for a post-pandemic comeback. "Club music isn’t dead, we just lost a lot of momentum. My focus now is working with everybody to reignite the culture, get people to see what is good here...based specifically on the Baltimore Club scene."


Amy Oden

Presented by Maryland Public Television

Full Credits


Amy Oden


Amy Oden


Amy Oden


Amy Oden

Blog | 'The Dig: Bmore Club' Q&A with Ducky Dynamo

Bmore club mainstay Ducky Dynamo (Meagan B) sits down with Director Amy Oden to discuss the short film, "The Dig: Bmore Club," and the vibrant Baltimore musical scene it spotlights.
Blog | 'The Dig: Bmore Club' Q&A with Ducky Dynamo