Sacred Stories

Explore the cultural stories featured in Native America Season 1 through animation.

Hopi Origin Story
Many Native American peoples share a belief that they emerged from the earth. For the Hopi and other Pueblo peoples, after they emerge they meet the caretaker of the earth who instructs them to honor Mother Earth by taking care of her. They are instructed to walk to the world’s farthest corners, to learn the earth with their feet and to find their Center Place.
Full Length 4m 21s
Hopi Origin Story
Full Length
Hopi Origin Story
4m 21s
Many Native American peoples share a belief that they emerged from the earth. For the Hopi and other Pueblo peoples, after
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Haudenosaunee’s Legendary Founding
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Haudenosaunee’s Legendary Founding
5m 52s
The Hiawatha wampum belt tells the story of the Haudenosaunee’s legendary founding and wampum’s power to heal. It tells of
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A Gift of Corn to the Choctaw
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A Gift of Corn to the Choctaw
1m 17s
Across the eastern United States and Canada there are over 10,000 sacred mounds. Choctaw traditions link their mounds with
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Inca Origins
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Inca Origins
1m 31s
The Qorikancha is closely associated with the Inca origin story. Located at the center of Inca Cuzco, Peru, it is the prim
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The Teotihuacan Fire Ceremony
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The Teotihuacan Fire Ceremony
1m 47s
At the beginning of time when all was in darkness, the gods gathered in Teotihuacan. Around a great fire they made sacrifi
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The Comanche and the Horse
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The Comanche and the Horse
5m 22s
Today the image of Indians on horseback is iconic. But Native Americans never set eyes on a horse before the 15th century
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