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Experienced midwives discuss how the plotlines and drama of Call the Midwife intersect with modern day Midwifery.
The Classic Birth Pose
by Katie Moriarty | May 09, 2013
I had to smile when Jenny entered the room where Julia was kneeling beside the bed and stated, “You’re not sweeping the carpet.” She went to Sister Julienne for some guidance and was told to contin...
Season 2 Episode 6: Jenny Inspires
by Andrea Altomaro | May 09, 2013
This week is Nurses’ week, and on Call the Midwife we were able to see how much work the midwives do outside the realm of mothers and babies. After all, these midwives were nurses first! I always t...
by tish roeske | May 09, 2013
Pregnant women do not exist in a vacuum. The stresses and needs of a woman’s family will affect her pregnancy and labor. I am continually amazed at how a woman can power through and do what needs t...
Season 2 Episode 5: Tell Dr. Turner That a Woman Has Had a Miscarriage and Call an Ambulance
Season 2 Episode 5: Tell Dr. Turner That a Woman Has Had a Miscarriage and Call an Ambulance
by Katie Moriarty | May 04, 2013
In Episode 5, the community prepares for the annual Summer Fete including a baby show. Nora Harding, an impoverished mother of eight has an unplanned and unwanted pregnancy, while Jenny is confront...
Baby by Choice, Not by Chance
Baby by Choice, Not by Chance
by Andrea Altomaro | May 01, 2013
During my time in Liberia, we stayed in the house of a doctor that was rented out to the organization Africare. There were wonderful members of the Africare staff that were busy working at the hous...
The Taboo
by tish roeske | April 29, 2013
I love how the producers and writers of Call the Midwife are fearless in tackling taboo subjects. The characters and story lines put a human face on difficult and devices issues of the 1950s. These...
Unconditional Love
by Andrea Altomaro | April 28, 2013
After watching the most recent episode of Call the Midwife, I couldn’t help but think about one of the moms I visit through Nurse-Family Partnership (NFP). I first met this young woman, M, at one o...
She Dreamt of a Perfect Child From the Day She Conceived
by Katie Moriarty | April 26, 2013
This was an emotional episode. Jenny and Sister Evangelina assist at the birth of Ruby and Doug Roberts’ third child, their first son. He is born with spina bifida (a neural tube defect, NTD), a bi...
by tish roeske | April 22, 2013
Resilience, according to Webster’s Dictionary, is “the ability to recover or adjust to misfortune or change.” Jenny Lee and the Roberts family prove in Episode 4 of Call the Midwife how resilient t...