New episodes of Call the Midwife are available to stream for free at the same time they premiere on your local PBS television station. Episodes continue to be available for free streaming from their TV premiere date up until 30 days after the the season finale airs on TV.
The 2024 Call the Midwife Holiday Special will premiere on Christmas Day, December 25, 2024, on PBS at 8pm ET. It will be available to stream for free at the same time of broadcast - 8pm on December 25 at the Call the Midwife Official Site or with the PBS App on these devices: Roku, Apple TV, Amazon Fire TV, Android phones, iPhones, iPads, Samsung Smart TV, Chromecast, and Android TV.
While you await the premiere, catch up on older Holiday Specials! The last four are available with PBS Passport leading up to the all-day Holiday Special Marathon on your PBS station Dec. 25. Starting that day, all five of the most recent Holiday Specials will be streaming for free on the Call the Midwife Official Site or with the PBS App until January 24, 2024.
Season 14 of Call the Midwife will premiere on PBS on March 30, 2025. New episodes will be broadcasts Sundays. Each new episode will be available for free streaming from the day they broadcast until June 17, 2025. PBS Passport members will be able to stream each episode 30 days before the scheduled broadcast date, starting with Episode 1 on February 28, 2025.
You will be able to stream Season 14 episodes at the Call the Midwife Official Site or with the PBS app on these devices: Roku, Apple TV, Amazon Fire TV, Android phones, iPhones, iPads, Samsung Smart TV, Chromecast, and Android TV.
PBS Passport members can watch Call the Midwife episodes before they broadcast on TV* on the Call the Midwife Official Site or with the PBS app. Once an episode airs on TV, it shifts to streaming for everyone - you do not need a PBS station Passport membership to stream the episode. PBS is not able to have episodes of Call the Midwife available to Passport members after the episode broadcasts on TV. For more information on why this is the case, please visit our help page on streaming Call the Midwife.
The next Seasons to be available with PBS Passport are:
Additionally, the last four Holiday Specials will be available to watch with PBS Passport starting November 25, 2024, to January 24, 2025.
*With the exception of new Holiday Specials.
Broadcast air dates will appear below if an episode of Call the Midwife is airing on your local PBS station within the next two weeks.