Call the Midwife 2023 Holiday Special GIF Recap

Posted by Audrey Porter on December 27, 2023
Warning: spoilers ahead.
Call The Midwife S13 Christmas Special 20230505
Colette Corrigan | Credit: Neal Street Productions

It’s the most wonderful time of the year at Nonnatus House. Bring on the festive cheer, charming carols, and heartfelt snogging under the mistletoe. As the Christmas festivities are well underway, all eyes are pointed to the sky as news of the impending Apollo 8 mission is quite the buzz – will those astronauts really reach the moon?

Back on Earth, Fred is dressed as Santa – doing what he does best – and Nancy and Colette have officially moved into a room in Nonnatus House (#yay). But this is real life after all – not some faraway galaxy – and issues, dilemmas, and worries are plaguing many of Poplar’s residents. Will the dispirited few find their way in time for Christmas Day? Fingers crossed, everyone.

Forced Out

Cyril joins Matthew at one of his tenement houses as police escort residents out of the building due to the poor living conditions. Not everyone is keen to evacuate their homes, specifically an older gentleman named Mr. Sharma. While he’s persistent to stay, he eventually gives in to Cyril’s request and exits the premises.

Once Mr. Sharma leaves, Cyril looks inside the flat: it’s steeped in water, infested with cockroaches, and overrun with mold. Talk about unlivable housing conditions. Even a full-on DIY renovation project can’t save this flat from its problems. Cyril and the men officially board it up, but with nowhere else to go, Mr. Sharma returns to his home the next day. What will happen to him once he’s caught?

The Promise of Twins 

Scientific innovation is definitely having a moment in 1968. While the thrill of the Space Race has caught the attention of most Londoners, there have also been considerable developments in – drumroll please – fertility treatments!

Dr. Turner meets with Brenda Shelby and her husband, who for years and years have struggled to conceive. However, because of medical breakthroughs and assistance from the Royal College Hospital, they’re now expecting twins! Dr. Turner, of course, is thrilled for them but is keen on having a plan in place for the twins once Brenda gives birth. Good call, Doctor.

Bleakness About

Not everyone is sharing in all the holiday cheer, though. Back at Nonnatus House, Sister Monica Joan tells Sister Julienne and Sister Veronica that she foresees this upcoming Christmas as her last one on Earth. Naturally, this declaration upsets and invokes concern among her fellow peers – yet there appears to be nothing that can be said to change her mind.

Later on, Sister Monica Joan recounts a story to Colette, Nancy’s daughter, about her favorite Christmas memory involving a Nativity tableau. Just seeing Sister Monica Joan’s face light up almost makes us forget about the despair she feels. There surely must be an idea in there somewhere… right?

A Jolly Surprise

Recent, happy newlyweds Trixie and Matthew are busy at home, writing their wedding “thank you” cards and discussing potential Christmas plans. For the holiday, Matthew wants the two of them to create “something of their own,” but before the couple can talk through their options any further, they hear a knock at the door. Who could be calling on them this late at night?

… It’s Trixie’s brother, Geoffrey! Turns out his plans with friends fell through, so he’s eager to secure his rightful place on Trixie and Matthew’s couch. The latest surprise is probably not what the married couple had envisioned when they said “something of their own,” but, hey, you can’t turn away family.

Two Mothers, Old Classmates

At the clinic, Brenda and her mum run into Antoinette Douglas (“Toni”), an old classmate of Brenda’s. Through some side gossiping with her mother, we quickly learn that Brenda and Toni seldom saw eye-to-eye when they were younger. In fact, to use Brenda’s words, her former classmate was both a “snob” and a “bully.” (Of course, they’re grown women now, but the awkward tension is still #real).

However, when it’s Antoinette’s turn for her appointment, we learn a bit more about the mum-to-be – her entire immediate family was killed during the War and her boyfriend is currently away at sea. Toni’s worried that “just being a mum” won’t be enough for the baby, but fortunately, Nancy, who’s also a single mom, has some reassuring words for the anxious mother.

A Nativity Play

After stopping by Nonnatus House for a quick examination, Dr. Turner concludes to Sister Julienne that Sister Monica Joan is indeed suffering from depression. He recommends they try to come up with some activity that will lift her spirits. Colette chimes in and tells the adults about what Sister Monica Joan told her about her cherished Christmas memory. Voila – the seed for something magical is planted!

Sister Julienne and Sister Veronica gather Shelagh, Nancy, Colette, Violet, and Fred at Nonnatus House to ask for their assistance in putting on a surprise Christmas Nativity tableau for Sister Monica Joan. It won’t be an easy feat, and time is certainly of the essence, but everyone is determined to somehow pull it off.

Elsewhere, Cyril, who discovered that Mr. Sharma returned to his flat, offers his company and compassion to the man. Despite the uninhabitable conditions of Mr. Sharma's home, the two of them enjoy a pineapple together. Perhaps things will begin to look up for the tenant?

The Wheels Are in Motion

With the plans for the play in place, preparations around Poplar begin. Meanwhile, Geoffrey, realizing his presence at Trixie’s house is generating some tension, decides to get out of his sister’s hair and pack up his bags. (Don’t worry, though, his “relocation” is only to Nonnatus House).

As another display of his compassion, Cyril shows up at Mr. Sharma’s flat to help clean it up. However, a bucket of cleaning supplies isn’t going to do much to improve the already revolting conditions. What’s worse is that Cyril learns of Mr. Sharma’s infected legs. He needs medical treatment, and ASAP. But Mr. Sharma is firmly opposed to going to a hospital… which leaves the two men not in much of a better position.

At the hospital, an exhausted Toni shows up, experiencing significant pain. After calming down the expectant mother, Shelagh examines Toni and discovers that her baby has an irregular heartbeat: the delivery needs to be expedited. She excuses herself from Toni and calls Dr. Turner, requesting him to come to the hospital immediately.

Fortunately, after an initial fright, Toni gives birth to a healthy baby boy, named Mark. The new mother is delighted, albeit worn out. Big phew! Had us worried there for a minute.

Geoffrey to the Rescue

Things are coming along with the Nativity play… or are they? Violet stops by Nonnatus House to express her concerns about the production to Sister Veronica. According to Violet, there is still a lot to be done and people are going to be requesting a refund if the play falls flat.

Sister Veronica admits that she may have gotten carried away with all the planning and is now feeling overwhelmed. But never fear, for dear Geoffrey is here. He gladly offers his assistance, and with his help now, maybe, just maybe, this will all come together in time. 

Houston, We Have Lift Off

The anticipated moment is finally here: Apollo 8 launches into the atmosphere! Even Sister Monica Joan can’t help but remark on the satisfaction of watching history in the making.

Meanwhile, Cyril calls on Sister Veronica to see if she can check on Mr. Sharma and his worsening leg condition. Upon examining him, she notes that his ulcers are likely caused by a case of undiagnosed diabetes. When she tells Mr. Sharma that he must come to the hospital to do more tests, he unequivocally rejects the idea. Cyril detects the tone of panic in Mr. Sharma’s voice – but he knows he can’t force the man to get medical treatment. What will they do?

Not long after Cyril and Sister Veronica leave, Mr. Sharma asks one of his neighbors for a cup of water; however, when the woman returns, she finds Mr. Sharma passed out on the ground. An ambulance arrives, but it’s fair to say that things are not looking too bright for him.

Turns out Mr. Sharma’s not the only one who’s having medical difficulties. Back at the hospital, Brenda arrives, citing extreme pain and discomfort. Dr. Turner immediately calls for her specialist to see her, who concludes that Brenda should stay the night at Dr. Turner’s facility before being transferred to the Royal College Hospital tomorrow.

Seeing Eye to Eye

While Brenda is asked to stay overnight, she finds herself in the company of Toni, who is distressed at not being able to properly breastfeed. Despite the history between these two, Brenda clearly has a big heart and gathers the energy to walk over to Toni.

Now with a handkerchief in hand provided by Brenda, Toni feels more consoled. She tells Brenda that she can remember seeing Brenda and all her siblings together when they were younger. As an only child with no surviving parents, the sight of Brenda and her family would make Toni feel envious (and understandably so).

On Brenda’s side of the story, she admits that she couldn’t help but feel jealous of Toni when she saw how well-dressed and well-fed she was – things that Brenda didn’t have the luxury of having. In fact, despite being part of such a large family, Brenda admits that she doesn’t have any recent experience holding a baby, a thought that upsets her greatly. Toni tells Brenda that she’s more than welcome to hold Mark as practice – and just like that, all the unpleasantness from these women’s history is in the past. They at long last can understand one another.

But while the two mothers have found new common ground, Mr. Sharma wakes up to only find himself in a hospital bed. AKA: his actual nightmare. Big yikes.

A Chaotic Ambulance Ride

During her overnight stay at the hospital, Brenda suffers from intermittent pain – never a great sign. Dr. Turner is concerned with moving Brenda in her current condition, but the decision is made to still bring her to the Royal College Hospital. Blizzard-like conditions, an ambulance ride, and a pregnant woman? What could possibly go wrong?

Turns out a lot can. En route to the other hospital, Brenda begins to go into labor. Fortunately, Sister Julienne and Nancy are right there by her side to assist. Baby #1 is delivered quickly – safe and sound.

However, a lot is going on outside the ambulance. Mr. Sharma has escaped from the hospital, but on the way to “safety,” he barely avoids a head-on collision with a car. While Mr. Sharma is spared from harm, the car swerves right into the ambulance; fortunately, no one is hurt, but the vehicle is no longer able to move.

Dr. Turner, trailing behind the ambulance, exits his car and assesses Brenda's situation. Another ambulance is called, but not before Brenda gives birth to Baby #2 – her twins are delivered! After an initial fright of Baby #2’s lack of breathing, all seems OK – that is until Brenda begins to feel ill and suffers blood loss… but low and behold, Baby #3 is born. (Who saw that coming?)

The ambulance eventually gets back on the road and detours to a nearby hospital. All is well in the end for Brenda, who ends up delivering not two, not three, but four babies! My, my, she’s sure going to have a busy household.

Solace in Confessing

After the frenzied commotion involving the hospital and car incident, Mr. Sharma returns, once again, to the dark quarters of his flat. When Cyril and Matthew pay a visit to check on him, they learn that Mr. Sharma was once a navigator for the Indian Air Force, an experience that still looms over his mind today.

When Cyril finally convinces Mr. Sharma to let Dr. Turner see him, we learn the truth of Mr. Sharma’s past: he served for the British Royal Air Forces, but was dishonorably discharged for what doctors cited as “cowardice.” Dr. Turner points out that there is no such thing, and that it makes sense why Mr. Sharma felt the way he did considering the traumas he witnessed.

How relieving it must feel for Mr. Sharma to hear such words of comfort and validation. It’s never too late to turn things around, and Cyril already has plans in place to introduce Mr. Sharma to the British Legion. And perhaps even better – Mr. Sharma is recruited for a role in the Nativity play!

A Spectacle for the Ages

The time of the holiday season, at last, is here. Lights, camera, action, please.

Sister Julienne walks arm in arm with Sister Monica Joan, leading her outside of Nonnatus House. Waiting eagerly beside a charming horse-drawn carriage is Colette, dressed in a white fur hat and red coat.

Sister Monica Joan can’t help but show her glee at the lovely surprise and marvel at Colette’s embodiment of the youth she once had. The two of them begin their journey to the church where they are greeted by Poplar’s finest.

Final verdict? A heartwarming success. Nothing is impossible when you all work together.

‘Til next year.

Forgot how we got here? Catch up on “Call the Midwife” with the Season 12, Episode 8 GIF Recap.

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About the Author

Audrey Porter is a freelance contributor to PBS. She holds a bachelor's degree in Film & Television from Boston University. When not working, you can find her pouring herself too many cups of tea while consuming the latest TV drama series.