Call the Midwife Season 12, Episode 6 GIF Recap

Posted by Emma Goddard on April 21, 2023
Warning: Spoilers ahead.
Call The Midwife S12 06 024
"Nothing" the dog in a scene from Episode 6. | Credit: Neal Street Productions

After a tragic conclusion to last week’s episode, we could use a pick-me-up heading into Episode 6. At the very least, the midwives could use a day off or a power nap, but (cue Dolly Parton’s “9 to 5”) there’s no time for that when they’re busy trying to save the community and all. Ahem. Hear that, Mr. Threapwood? So it’s back to the grind, but amidst the deliveries, clinics and district calls, one of our favorites gets left behind.

A Furry Friend

Though there’s rarely a time when the women of Nonnatus House aren’t busy, Sister Monica Joan notices their absence this week, and the solitude weighs heavy on her. However, as luck would have it, she makes an unlikely new friend in the neighborhood in the local allotment. A small dog with no identification approaches her with an injured paw, and she pulls a thorn from it. The good deed immediately cements the friendship, and the dog returns later that evening to his hero’s doorstep to seek refuge. Despite being an animal lover, Sister Monica Joan informs her furry pal that pets are not allowed inside the house.

Surprise! It’s a Baby!

Following the death of Matthew’s father during Episode 5, Trixie and Matthew return to Poplar from a much-needed weekend getaway. Their future together is the one bright spot amidst this period of grief. With two months to go until their fall wedding, there are still so many details that need to be ironed out! Trixie takes on the brunt of the work to shield Matthew while he’s in mourning.

Trixie is also first on call to kick off a very Monday Monday as she rushes over to Nigel Jones’ home where his girlfriend Heather O’Dwyer is in labor. The two teens have kept Heather’s pregnancy hidden from their families, but the nine-month secret doesn’t last much longer when Nigel’s mom walks in on the middle of Heather’s delivery. With Trixie’s help, Heather delivers a baby girl, but the new mom is distraught and refuses to hold or acknowledge her daughter.

A Turbulent Relationship

Trixie organizes Heather’s move to Dr. Turner’s maternity home, but when she finally settles in, Heather begs them not to call her parents. Unfortunately, since Heather is only 15, they have no choice but to inform them. When her parents arrive, a confrontation ensues. Heather’s mother, Edith, tells her she has to get married as soon as she turns 16, but Heather refuses and is adamant that Nigel won’t be her last boyfriend. When Heather’s father, Jimmy, asks what she thought would happen by hiding her pregnancy from them, Heather admits that she hoped to give the baby up for adoption without them knowing. Trixie shares with Heather, as a minor, the decision will ultimately fall to her parents.

When everyone has time to cool down (slightly) and regroup, Edith and Jimmy return to the maternity home that week with a Child Welfare Officer. Miss Scrivens is there to determine how she can best support Heather through the beginning of motherhood, but unexpectedly turns into a mediator between Heather and her parents. Tired of her parents shaming her, Heather excuses herself to the bathroom only to make a run for it so that she can visit Nigel.

Nigel is open to getting married and having Heather move in with him and his mother, but it quickly becomes clear that they are not on the same page. He’s taken aback when Heather says she doesn’t want to marry him and also reveals that she hasn’t been spending time with their baby.

They begin to argue. After some cruel and unsympathetic words on Nigel’s part, Heather makes her way back to the maternity home where Trixie is waiting for her. Heather is unwell and has a temperature upon her return. Dr. Turner diagnoses her with a puerperal infection. However, he reassures her that a round of antibiotics should clear it up quickly. It’s been both a physically and emotionally taxing day, but amidst all the discomfort, Heather finally asks Trixie to see her baby.

Fighting for the Children of Poplar

While Trixie provides guidance to her young patient, Sister Veronica meets with Dr. Turner and Miss Higgins at Dr. Turner’s surgery to make a special request on behalf of Poplar’s child workers. As Nonnatus House’s new health visitor, she’s witnessed the poor conditions that the children are often subjected to on the job and wants to hold an evening clinic where they can receive routine medical checks. Though Dr. Turner and Miss Higgins are initially hesitant with everyone already stretched thin, they agree to move forward.

Sister Veronica also receives support from the council and makes sure that the rest of her peers set a good example for the community. Following her example, Fred hands out flyers for the clinic to everyone who works for him, including one of his hardest working employees, Joey Fletcher. As the caretaker for his two younger brothers and his ailing father George, Joey carries much more on his shoulders than he lets on, and the clinic couldn’t have come at a better time.

Concerning Conditions

The team has a successful turnout as children flood into Florrie Hall for their medical checks, but they’re instantly concerned by the state the young workers. From lice to malnutrition to signs of abuse from their employers, it’s evident that many of them have been exploited for cheap labor.

Of course, Joey doesn’t have to worry about poor working conditions with Fred as his boss, but his situation at home is dire. George worries that if Joey doesn’t take care of his health, he’ll end up just like him and urges his son to go to the clinic before it closes. Dr. Turner examines Joey and observes that he has swollen glands, unusual bruising, and is also underweight. So he takes blood samples from him in hopes that they can determine why he’s so sick.

In the meantime, Sister Veronica calls in on George to tell him that Joey is ill and that his symptoms are likely the result of something much worse than work exhaustion. While she’s there, she learns that George’s wife left the family over a year ago, and it’s clear from the state of their home that things have gotten out of hand. She realizes that Joey has taken on most of his father’s responsibilities, and she urges George to reach out to Social Services for assistance. He pushes back and expresses his concerns that Social Services will take his kids away from him. After her visit, Sister Veronica turns to Dr. Turner for help and also notes that George might be suffering from a severe case of psoriasis.

Later, the Buckles find Joey collapsed outside their shop. Rushed to Dr. Turner’s surgery, blood tests reveal that Joey’s anemic, which explains why he has been much more fatigued recently.

Nothing to See Here

Dr. Turner sends Joey to St. Cuthbert’s for additional observation, and while he waits to hear back from them, a certain floof wags his way back to Nonnatus House. Sister Monica Joan finds the dog from the allotment waiting for her once again, but this time, she relents. (He has clearly been practicing those puppy dog eyes.) She allows him into the house to keep her company while her friends are away and even names him “Nothing” as a loophole to avoid lying to the others if they ever ask her what she’s hiding.

Nothing hides in her room, but he becomes more difficult to contain. Colette asks if she can paint a portrait of Sister Monica Joan for a school project, and from the beginning, she spots the moving lump hiding under Sister Monica Joan’s blankets. Unsurprisingly, she agrees to keep Sister Monica Joan’s secret for her as they meet throughout the week.

Heather’s Court Date

Meanwhile, Trixie meets with Heather’s parents and Miss Scrivens to report on Heather’s progress with her baby. She reveals the good news that mother and child have finally spent time together and feels that they have a promising relationship ahead despite Heather’s initial reluctance to keep her. Miss Scrivens is delighted to hear this, but tells Trixie that the council has proposed to put Heather under a supervision order which would require her to return home to her parents. It’s the only option for Heather to remain with her child, and if she decides not to live with her parents, Edith and Jimmy would still be her baby’s legal guardians.

Trixie is appalled that they haven’t consulted Heather ahead of time or listened to her needs. Furthermore, she is shocked to hear that they’ve already scheduled a date for Heather to appear in court as well. When Trixie tells Heather the unfortunate news, Heather seems defeated. She tells Trixie about her traumatic childhood and feelings of abandonment, even revealing that her parents’ nickname for her was always “Mistake.”

Joey’s Diagnosis

Seeing how helpless her patient is, Trixie decides to advocate for Heather at her court hearing. At St. Cuthbert’s, Dr. Turner and Sister Veronica are also doing what they can to make sure Joey receives the help he needs. After having a blood marrow test, Joey’s results reveal that he has leukemia and he’ll have to undergo chemotherapy. Unable to return home, Joey is concerned about who will take care of his family while he’s away.

Luckily, Joey has the best care team behind him. Dr. Turner and Sister Veronica take it upon themselves to talk to his father- offering George not only treatment to relieve his psoriasis, but also tells him that he needs to step up for the family. St. Cuthbert’s also contacts Joey’s mother, Pam, and as soon as she hears the news, she moves back to Poplar to help. The estranged husband and wife put their differences aside for Joey and promise to be better for all their children.

Call the Recruits

With so much work between them both, there’s little time for Trixie and Matthew to focus on their wedding. Trixie becomes overwhelmed as deadlines come and go. It seems like everything is going wrong, but she eventually realizes that she already has a supportive group of friends behind her who have been offering their help since day one of planning. When her original bridesmaids fall through, Trixie asks Nancy and Collette to join her bridal party (and they happily accept). She also requests that Sister Monica Joan and Sister Julienne make the selections for her readings and hymns.

Abandoned By Her Family

With wedding plans back on track, Trixie joins Heather at her court hearing, but Heather isn’t too optimistic about the outcome. In a surprise twist, however, Miss Scrivens actually comes to the young mom’s defense. She tells the magistrates that Heather’s parents have not been flexible in supporting Heather’s future and even left her alone for four weeks while she was struggling at the maternity home. Still, she recommends the supervision order in hopes that it will bring the family together again.

The magistrates are disappointed to hear about Heather’s poor treatment and are especially horrified when Trixie tells them about Heather’s family nickname. In the end, they agree to a two-year supervision order and assign a probation officer to Heather to ensure that she receives the help she needs to care for her baby – and herself.

Nothing Can Stop Nothing from Free Food

Despite the challenging relationship they’ve had over the years, Heather and her parents agree that the magistrates’ order is a second chance for them all. As Heather reconciles with Edith and Jimmy, Collette and Sister Monica Joan continue to keep Nothing concealed, but the sneaky pup manages to make an escape from Sister Monica Joan’s room in search of a midday snack. (Relatable.) He surprises Phyllis in the kitchen, snatches her lunch right off her plate, and makes a quick getaway.

She isn’t able to catch the cheese thief but does see him dart into Sister Monica Joan’s room and knows she’ll have to tell the boss lady Sister Julienne. The gig is up and, as expected, Sister Julienne explains that the group can’t keep any pets in the residence, since it’s a clinical house. This brings Sister Monica Joan to tears, and she admits how lonely she has been without them there. Suddenly recognizing that they’ve abandoned her all this time, the women vow to be present for her in the future and to ensure she’s never alone again.

Forgot how we got here? Catch up with Call the Midwife with the Season 12, Episode 5 GIF Recap.

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About the Author

Emma Goddard is a Multiplatform Production Manager at PBS. When she’s not busy writing about “Call the Midwife” and making GIFs (pronounced with a hard G, for anyone wondering) she builds websites for PBS shows and geeks out over British dramas.