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Experienced midwives discuss how the plotlines and drama of Call the Midwife intersect with modern day Midwifery.
Real Benefits Behind Birth in the Upright Position
Real Benefits Behind Birth in the Upright Position
by Michelle Collins | April 23, 2023
A real midwife unpacks the benefits of being in an upright position to birth: First and foremost, gravity is on your side in an upright position!
Call the Midwife Season 12, Episode 6 GIF Recap Episode Recap
Call the Midwife Season 12, Episode 6 GIF Recap
by Emma Goddard | April 21, 2023
After a tragic conclusion to last week’s episode, we could use a pick-me-up heading into Episode 6.
Spencer's Mental Health Crisis
Spencer's Mental Health Crisis
by Katie Moriarty | April 17, 2023
Thank you Call the Midwife for highlighting an important mental health issue and the challenges and barriers that can exist.
Women Are Warriors
Women Are Warriors
by Michelle Collins | April 17, 2023
Sometimes the words of Jenny Lee perk my ears more than at other times. This episode was one of those times. Her words describing women as “warriors” were (and are) spot on.
Enduring Love
Enduring Love
by Andrea Altomaro | April 16, 2023
This was a heavy episode, as many have been, but the beauty was not lost on me.
Politics, Ideology, Justice
Politics, Ideology, Justice
by Deborah McBain | April 16, 2023
Just within this season, Call the Midwife has addressed racism, domestic violence, ongoing issues of poverty, reproductive issues and gay rights issues. Some viewers don’t want to see it.
Call the Midwife Season 12, Episode 5 GIF Recap Episode Recap
Call the Midwife Season 12, Episode 5 GIF Recap
by Emma Goddard | April 14, 2023
As we head into this week’s episode of “Call the Midwife,” the women are walking on eggshells, as the Board of Health and its chairman keep a frustratingly close eye on them.
'Being Put on Trial for Daring to Keep Working'
'Being Put on Trial for Daring to Keep Working'
by Katie Moriarty | April 11, 2023
The scene with Phyllis and the doctor that was leading the vacuum assisted birth demonstration/ in-service really struck a chord with me.
Rising to the Occasion in Lockdown
Rising to the Occasion in Lockdown
by Andrea Altomaro | April 10, 2023
Most adults can recover easily from gastroenteritis, however when a newborn gets sick, it can be life or death.