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Experienced midwives discuss how the plotlines and drama of Call the Midwife intersect with modern day Midwifery.
Reflecting on the Joy and Pains Within Our Lives
Reflecting on the Joy and Pains Within Our Lives
by Katie Moriarty | May 22, 2017
Modern Day Midwife Katie Moriarty reflects on the joy and pains within our daily lives, and the need to expand our commitment to moms everywhere.
Carrying the Lessons Learned from Call the Midwife
Carrying the Lessons Learned from Call the Midwife
by Andrea Altomaro | May 18, 2017
Andrea Altomaro explains how midwives sometimes must grieve with patients and their families, and sometimes in the same day, have to celebrate with others.
Racism and Unexpected Consequences
Racism and Unexpected Consequences
by Deborah McBain | May 15, 2017
Deborah McBain writes about the daughter of parents who could not write the rules of life but taught that daughter optimism, courage and resilience to deal with the challenges of a racist society.
Call the Midwife Season 6, Episode 7 GIF Recap
Call the Midwife Season 6, Episode 7 GIF Recap
by Emma Goddard | May 15, 2017
Catch up on Episode 7 of Call the Midwife. Warning: Spoilers ahead.
The Impact of Support Through Stressful Times
The Impact of Support Through Stressful Times
by Andrea Altomaro | May 15, 2017
Andrea Altomaro says the strength we can get from a support group, from our friends, family, and community, can make such a difference in our coping abilities.
Finding the Right Support Group
Finding the Right Support Group
by Katie Moriarty | May 15, 2017
Modern Day Midwife Katie Moriarty recounts the many types of support groups mothers can reach out to optimize your mind, body and/or spirit.
Call the Midwife Season 6, Episode 6 GIF Recap
Call the Midwife Season 6, Episode 6 GIF Recap
by Emma Goddard | May 08, 2017
Catch up on Episode 6 of Call the Midwife. Warning: Spoilers ahead.
Cultural Competence and Compassionate Care
Cultural Competence and Compassionate Care
by Andrea Altomaro | May 08, 2017
Modern Midwife Andrea Altomaro says it's important to be sensitive of the fact that Nadifa has grown up her entire life believing that what was done to her was normal and necessary.
When Traditions Perpetuate Tragedy
When Traditions Perpetuate Tragedy
by Deborah McBain | May 08, 2017
Deborah McBain discusses how cultural standards are powerful regulators of what is considered acceptable in health care.