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Experienced midwives discuss how the plotlines and drama of Call the Midwife intersect with modern day Midwifery.
Why Words Matter in Midwifery
Why Words Matter in Midwifery
by Katie Moriarty | April 24, 2017
Modern Day Midwife Katie Moriarty reflects on the disrespect and cold treatment pregnant women suffer Episode 4, and their consequences.
Call the Midwife Season 6, Episode 3 GIF Recap
Call the Midwife Season 6, Episode 3 GIF Recap
by Emma Goddard | April 17, 2017
Catch up on Episode 3 of Call the Midwife. Warning: Spoilers ahead.
A Modern Day Midwife Leader
A Modern Day Midwife Leader
by Deborah McBain | April 17, 2017
Deborah McBain reflects on the personality traits and decisions that turn a Modern Midwife into a strong leader.
A Framework for Successful Leadership in Health Care
A Framework for Successful Leadership in Health Care
by Katie Moriarty | April 17, 2017
While Sister Ursula shakes up priorities at Nonnatus House, Modern Day Midwife Katie Moriarty looks at what leaders do today to make positive changes.
Understanding Our Judgmental Minds
Understanding Our Judgmental Minds
by Andrea Altomaro | April 17, 2017
Andrea Altomaro unpacks episode 3, taking a look at the underlying theme of the importance of empathizing with others, especially someone who is different from you.
Call the Midwife Season 6, Episode 2 GIF Recap
Call the Midwife Season 6, Episode 2 GIF Recap
by Emma Goddard | April 10, 2017
Catch up on Season 6, Episode 2 of Call the Midwife. Warning: spoilers ahead.
From Transformation to Reinvention
From Transformation to Reinvention
by Deborah McBain | April 10, 2017
Deborah McBain recalls the early inspirations that led a dear friend into midwifery.
The Diligent, Vigilant Nurse
The Diligent, Vigilant Nurse
by Andrea Altomaro | April 10, 2017
With Nonnatus house facing cuts, Andrea Altomaro explains why nursing and midwifery care is so much more than collecting vital signs and listening to babies’ heartbeats.
The Art and Science of Practicing Balanced Care
The Art and Science of Practicing Balanced Care
by Katie Moriarty | April 10, 2017
Nonnatus house nurses and midwives are struggling with being able to meet the needs of the community, and Katie Moriarty says Modern Day Midwives still unfortunately feel this same stress.