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Experienced midwives discuss how the plotlines and drama of Call the Midwife intersect with modern day Midwifery.
The Realities of Female Genital Mutilation
The Realities of Female Genital Mutilation
by Katie Moriarty | May 07, 2017
Modern Day Midwife Katie Moriarty recounts how she, like so many other health care professionals, was ill prepared for her first encounter with FGM.
Don't Miss the International Day of the Midwife
Don't Miss the International Day of the Midwife
by Katie Moriarty | May 02, 2017
The Virtual International Day of the Midwife (VIDM) is an annual free 24-hour online conference celebrating midwifery and birth-related matters with speakers from around the globe.
Why Every Mom-to-be Needs an Advocate
Why Every Mom-to-be Needs an Advocate
by Katie Moriarty | May 02, 2017
Katie Moriarty says modern day midwifes are in a key role to help a family and to be an advocate for their needs.
Call the Midwife Season 6, Episode 5 GIF Recap
Call the Midwife Season 6, Episode 5 GIF Recap
by Emma Goddard | May 01, 2017
Catch up on Episode 5 of Call the Midwife. Warning: Spoilers ahead.
Why Protecting a Mother's Health is so Important
Why Protecting a Mother's Health is so Important
by Deborah McBain | May 01, 2017
What every midwife knows is that the ability of the mother to nurture, shelter and protect her child is directly related to that mother’s health.
Tied Together Long After the Cord is Cut
Tied Together Long After the Cord is Cut
by Andrea Altomaro | April 28, 2017
Modern Day Midwife and mother Andrea Altomaro on how the bond between mother and child is so much more than an emotional one,
Birth, Joy, and Hard Times
Birth, Joy, and Hard Times
by Andrea Altomaro | April 24, 2017
Modern Midwife Andrea Altomaro says that despite the heartaches endured through each episode of Call the Midwife, we are also often reminded of the joys of midwifery.
Call the Midwife Season 6, Episode 4 GIF Recap
Call the Midwife Season 6, Episode 4 GIF Recap
by Emma Goddard | April 24, 2017
Catch up on Episode 4 of Call the Midwife. Warning: Spoilers ahead.
Tracing the Path of Brave Hearts
Tracing the Path of Brave Hearts
by Deborah McBain | April 24, 2017
Deborah McBain tells of a Modern Midwife colleague who's life's path showed her just how resilient, how bold and how brave hearts can be.