Watch Season 14 with PBS Passport
Modern Midwives Blog
As she sets about helping a mother, whose newborn baby is suffering with a clotting disorder, Nancy (Megan Cusack) is harboring a secret of her own. She has run up hire-purchase debts and has resorted to borrowing from a money-lender. When the full extent of her debt is revealed, it’s Nurse Crane (Linda Bassett) who steps in to offer advice.
Sister Veronica (Rebecca Gethings) meets a newly-wed on her rounds and the case shocks the women of Nonnatus house.
Trixie (Helen George) puts her cookery skills to the test and throws a dinner party at Matthew’s (Olly Rix) apartment for the midwives. Not known for great culinary skills, she is slightly overwhelmed by the task in hand.