Season 13: Episode 5

Premiere date: April 14, 2024
It's summertime in Poplar, and during Violet's first event as mayor, a young mother goes into labor. Among the chaos, May sneaks off and Shelagh receives an unexpected visit from her social worker, which puts her on edge.

Featured Video

Driving Miss Lindy
A fun day at the beach is cut short when Lindy Webster discovers her water has broken. Fortunately, with Nurse Crane's assistance and Miss Higgins' responsible driving, the expectant mother is escorted to the maternity ward.
Clip 36s
Driving Miss Lindy
Driving Miss Lindy
A fun day at the beach is cut short when Lindy Webster discovers her water has broken. Fortunately, with Nurse Crane's ass
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Driving Miss Lindy
Driving Miss Lindy
A fun day at the beach is cut short when Lindy Webster discovers her water has broken. Fortunately, with Nurse Crane's ass
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Beach Day for Poplar
Beach Day for Poplar
Preparations are underway for Poplar residents' day excursion to the beach. Trixie, with her new driver's license, navigat
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About the Episode

It’s the summer of 1969, and excitement fills the air as Violet (Annabelle Apsion) prepares for an inaugural beach excursion – her first key event since becoming Mayor. A convoy of vehicles, each one decorated with scores of colored balloons, head for the seaside.

Elsewhere, Cyril (Zephryn Taitte) has returned home and is eager to begin his new career as a Child Welfare Office. He has brought disadvantaged families to a new playgroup scheme at St Oswald’s Church led by Sister Veronica (Rebecca Gethings).

Trixie (Helen George) finally passes her driving test and is keen to show off her skills by driving Matthew (Olly Rix) and Jonty (Archie Callaghan) to the beach herself. She puts pressure on Matthew to purchase a car but he is feeling growing financial pressure.

At the beach, the weather proves to be typical of the British summer time – wet and windy! The event is full of fun and games until things take a turn for the worst when a young mother goes into labour requiring Nurse Crane (Linda Bassett) and Miss Higgins (Georgie Glen) to drive her back to the maternity home. Amongst the chaos, May (April Rae Hoang) and Angela (Alice Brown) sneak off unsupervised to play with their new lilo which has disastrous consequences.

Shelagh (Laura Main) is surprised to receive a visit from May’s social worker, which puts her on edge.

Photos from this Episode

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Credit: Neal Street Productions/BBS Studios
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